Who Killed Martin Luther King?
Luis and I have had a long talk about who he thought shot him while he was working in Guatemala under an alias name of Ramon Media. He knew that there were three men in an open van with machine guns shooting at him.
And, because he was at war with Fidel Castro he believe Fidel had sent some men from Cuba to hunt down Posada and kill him.
In a letter given to me by a prominenten or prominent researcher better known as Wim Dankbaar of the Netherlands he has pointed out that at the ending of the letter in the P.S. section it reads, “It was rumored that our friend (RM or CR) was involved in the shooting of Luis Posada aka Ramon Medina in Guatemala City. Take care
This letter indicates several things, for starters, I don’t believe that it was Fidel Castro who sent over some men from Cuba to hunt down Posada and kill him. The mission that Posada was on was very “Top Secret” only the CIA and the government of Guatemala knew Posada was there.
His shooting happen within a relatively short time from the time Posada arrived in Guatemala till the time of his shooting.
And, if Castro wanted Posada dead then why didn’t he just have him killed when Castro sent over the Cuban Five from Cuba when they were all keeping an eye on Posada? They knew where he was going, they knew where he lived, they knew just about everything they needed to know about Posada and even infiltrated a few anti-Castro groups just to find out what those groups were up too until they got caught spying on those groups. The FBI then arrested those Cuban Five for espionage, the problem is, those five were not spying on the American Government, yet they had to sever time for a crime they never committed, they were charged for espionage against the American Government.
Now, I’m not defending anybody, I’m simply telling you the truth. It was the CIA who got that job for Luis Posada in Guatemala, and he cannot deny that.
The CIA has become an entity of it’s own over the years in government. Ever since President Harry Truman created the CIA in 1948 it has become an intelligence agency that was at one time suppose to collect data and information and report that information to the president.
However, the organization has become more powerful then ever before, with the agencies only boss, the “”Commander in Chief” there is very little any other agency can do in way of getting the CIA to release it’s classified and very classified “Secret, Top Secret, Eyes Only” information.
And, anyone who dares to challenge this organization in a court of law for the release of classified material will only be spending their money for nothing.
The law is written in favor of this organization, including the 1992 JFK Act whereas many researchers hold unto this Act believing that the Act requires that “each assassination record be publicly disclosed in full“, and be made available in the collection no later than the date that is 25 years after the date of enactment of the Act (i.e., October 26, 2017), there is also another stipulation to that act that indicates unless the President of the United States certifies that: (1) continued postponement is made necessary by an identifiable harm to the military defense, intelligence operations, law enforcement, or conduct of foreign relations; and (2) the identifiable harm is of such gravity that it outweighs the public interest in disclosure. And there you have it, the wording of this Act in itself will never allow the U.S. Government from ever disclosing the cables we seek, that will never h
In other words, the general public and researchers alike who have studied the assassination of President Kennedy, and believe there was a conspiracy to assassinate him also believe that come October 17, 2017 NARA (National Archives and Records Administration) will also be disclosing ALL the information that by law requires the CIA to hand over, they the CIA may tell you that all documentation has been handed over, they may even tell you that NARA has more the 5.2 million ct. feet of paper work in storage regarding Kennedy’s assassination. But, what they won’t tell you is were they keep the information on the files that will never, ever be disclosed or released to NARA or the general public so they can keep that organization stronger then ever.
Can you imagine, what do you think the “then” president would do, if the documents surfaced and the president discovered that the CIA was involved with President Kennedy’s assassination, and there was no way of denying the fact that the CIA manipulated the Warren Commission Reports with the help of one ex DCI Allen Dulles.
What if the world finally found out that it was the CIA behind the assassination of President Kennedy, what do you suppose the “then” president would be faced with? Can you imagine the out-cry for the dismantlement of the CIA? Or better yet, the then president having to tare apart the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter them into the wind?
This is what our CIA has turned themselves into, not only are they an information intelligences organization. But, they are an elite groups of assassins that will not stop at nothing until they have accomplished their mission, whether it is to remove an unfriendly person in power overseas, or assassinate a president threatening to dismantle them.
Recently, our past presidents Clinton, Bush and Obama have used the CIA in covert operations and war to allow the CIA redeem itself I say. By apprehending, capturing and killing Sodom Hussein and Osama bin Laden only to in-powered the CIA’s status even greater.
What Luis Posada did not know is that the CIA was out to assassinate him, his assassination attempt happen (overseas) where the CIA works, they are not allowed to operate out of our homeland, and yet JM/WAVE in Miami was the second largest CIA base next to Langley Virgina.
According to the CIA Posada knows to much, he holds to much information on operations against Cuba, including Kennedy’s assassination. The CIA sent in a hit team in Guatemala to assassinate Posada, and Posada didn’t even know that the same outfit he fought with, trained with, infiltrated with, also turned on him.
This (RM) Richard Montoya and/or (CR) Charles Rogers are one in the same person who involved himself in the shooting and assassination attempt of Luis Posada.
The CIA always tries to eliminate or tie up loose ends, they always make sure to get their man before any information of the CIA leaks out. Three people can always keep a “secret” if two of them are dead.
Luis Posada has been very lucky to have gotten away with what he knows and his life, but here’s the million dollar question for Luis. Luis, I know you’re reading this, and I’m proud to have called you my friend, “Pipen” is like a stepfather to me, there isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for the cause of “freedom” for everyone who lives in Cuba, if one truly believes in “humanitarian freedom”. I believe that you, Pipen and Frank know this, you all knew my father some of you better then others and what my father stood for, you all know he was killed over the cause, because of the cause, because he got himself involved with the cause, because he wanted to tell the truth. So, here’s your million dollar question, knowing the CIA, the same group of folks who worked with you, called you their friends also tried to kill you, are you willing to continue to remain quite for them and their cause or would you be willing to be anything like my father a hero and speak up? To tell the world what you know about the CIA’s several assassination attempts on Fidel Castro and the assassination of our 35th president, (President John F. Kennedy).
I have come to know you personally Luis, and you have shared with me your personal life, your paintings, your past life experiences. Lots of folks believe that you’re some kind of monster, a mass murder, the worlds worst terrorist.
But, I would have to disagree with them, for example, I know that you have fought in the same arena and struggle for the freedom of your country. (I would have done the very same thing for my country too if we lost our freedom). I know that if anyone should be marked as a mass murder or world’s worst terrorist it should be Fidel Castro and Che Guevara, I have heard the stories from Pipen and Felix Rodriguez of what these men have done to innocent men, women and children.
I can’t believe that our country has left Castro in charge over a country that has imprisoned millions of Cubans within their own country. They are only allowed to eat rations of food from a food list provided to them on a monthly basis by their government, yes there is free medical and education, but Cuba’s education is only second to a third world country. That is the reason many of them come to the United States to study. Their medical has many of the Cubans rely on other doctors from other countries to provide them with cures over their diseases. So, what real good has come out Cuba since Fidel came into power? NOT A DAMN THING.
Luis, if there is anything I can do for you to get you to speak up, write me a letter and tell me all that you know you would be doing a very honorable thing. Luis, I once received a letter from you, and you know in my heart the Cuban people will always remain. When you are ready to talk to me about everything I will be ready to listen, it would be very admirable of you to do what is right, that is what my father died for, he wanted to do what is right, life is short my brother, lets do what is right before it’s all to late.
God Bless you my brother, always.
P.S. Please keep in mind my brother at how the CIA used and lied to everyone in the Brigade 2506. (Now, not everyone in the CIA lied to, there were some good folks that really wanted to free Cuba from Castro, folks like Harold Feeney, Grayston Lynch, Jose Basulto of whom I’ve had the honor of meeting at The Big Five in Miami. Frank Bender aka Gerald Dorller, Eugenio Martinez and great deal of many others.
The CIA assured everyone that the United States would intervene and send in U.S Military for the support of the Brigade, and that didn’t happen not because Kennedy called off the airstrikes, that’s true. Kennedy did call off the airstrikes because he did not what to face WWIII with Russia. (Kennedy saved a lot of lives just as Nino Diaz did when he refuse to order his men ashore at the Bay of Pigs, Nino also saved lives). And, because Allen Dulles, Richard Bissell and everyone at the CIA knew the U.S was not going to get involved, the U.S. did all they could do just short of a nuclear war.
The CIA lied to the Brigade having everyone believe that Kennedy was going to use military power. The CIA even tried to force Kennedy’s hand at using the military, and I’ll tell you why? The CIA had a lot of explaining to do to you and the living survivors. Luis, how do you suppose they the CIA tried their best to explain why the military was not used? And then they blamed Kennedy. Again, the CIA lied to you and everyone else they trained you all, they trained you how to kill, lie, infiltrate and a number of other things, the CIA failed you all, and then they tried to eliminate you all. If you don’t believe me Luis, I have the documentation that says so. I would not lie to you or Frank.
I pray that Frank reads this too, I will be sending him a copy of this by email. I pray that you hear my words, the CIA used you all for their own benefit. Please do not allow them to keep you from speaking your mind, you once told me that you had to sign a confidentiality contact with them. Please don’t let that piece of paper or their bribe of shielding you from other countries be your only bargaining chip. Is not your history with your friends of whom you’ve fought with not enough? Remember Orlando, Tony, Airtime and many, many others who gave their life for the cause, not for the CIA. I ask you to do what is right, follow your heart, it will guide you to do the right thing. Forget about what Bush and the CIA has done for you. They will tell you one thing and stab you in the back as soon as you turn around. Yes, your life was spared by getting you out of that country, and the Bushes helped and blanketed you in Miami, but ask yourself this, “is my life worth selling out my country for Bush“? Please hear my words, I’d rather parish and tell you the truth then live in a life of hell. No one lives forever, unless it’s forever we seek. Do what is right my brother, you have that power.