Is Ruiz also Reese, Antonio Veciana cousin?
The name Reese, in my father’s hand where the “x” marks the spot on the page in my father’s little black book is Antonio Veciana cousin who worked at the Cuban Embassy in Mexico during the time of Kennedy’s assassination, and this is where it all started for Lee H. Oswald.
Maurice Bishop aka David Atlee Phillips who was at onetime Antonio’s handler at the CIA asked Antonio to ask his cousin who worked at the Embassy if he would confirm Lee Oswald was at the Embassy just weeks prior to Kennedy’s assassination. And, the CIA or Phillips at that time would hand over a large sum of money to Antonio to give to Reese for his statement.
Although, the CIA tried setting up Oswald to be the fall guy in Mexico, to pin the assassination on Fidel Castro, to give reason for the United States to invade Cuba. IT DIDN’T WORK!
This information was never reported to the HSCA, nor was it ever given to the Warren Commission, the reason why the Warren Commission never received word of this information is because Antonio was never asked to testify about it.
According to the Warren Commission, Lee Harvey Oswald traveled to Mexico City in the fall of 1963, in search of a visa for travel to Cuba and the Soviet Union. He failed in that effort and returned to Dallas, where 7 weeks later he shot President Kennedy.
President Johnson invoked fears of nuclear war with Russia just as Jack did as Johnson was putting together the Warren Commission, finally enlisting a recalcitrant Earl Warren by telling him “what Hoover told me about a little incident in Mexico City.”
At 10 AM on the morning following the Kennedy assassination, President Lyndon Johnson and FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover discussed the state of the case over the telephone. In response to LBJ’s question about “the visit to the Soviet Embassy in September,” Hoover replied:
“No, that’s one angle that’s very confusing, for this reason—we have up here the tape and the photograph of the man who was at the Soviet embassy, using Oswald’s name. That picture and the tape do not correspond to this man’s voice, nor to his appearance. In other words, it appears that there is a second person who was at the Soviet embassy down there.”
The CIA and FBI have both since denied that such a tape existed post-assassination, having reportedly been “routinely erased.” But beyond the early reports, no less than two Warren Commission staffers told investigators that they had listened to such a tape in April of 1964. It is doubtful they knew of even the possibility that Oswald might have been impersonated in the call.
What was on the tape? In the 1990s transcripts of “Oswald” phone calls were declassified. There were indeed a couple of points which drew the interest of investigators – the mention of a meeting with a man named Kostikov, and Oswald’s curious statement that the Cubans had his address. But generally they appear to be fairly innocuous calls about obtaining a visa. However, also declassified in the 1990s was an HSCA interview with the CIA employees who transcribed the tapes, who described a much lengthier call between “Oswald” and the Soviet Embassy, one which does not appear in the purportedly complete record of transcripts.
The lies, transcripts, tapes and photos appear to have all the twists and turns of a played out TV drama show titled “Whose line is it“. And, there you have it! Lee Oswald is not in those photo’s at the Cuban Embassy in Mexico, nor was he on any of the voice recorded tapes the CIA claimed Oswald was on.
In-fact the FBI mentioned repeatedly time and time again that they did not receive the tapes the CIA said they sent them. Oswald was simply not at the Embassy in Mexico weeks prior to President Kennedy’s assassination.
It has been brought to my attention that Antonio’s cousin name is spelt “Ruiz”, however, my father spelt his name “Reese”, each name spelt differently, but sound alike when you say them. Could it be that my father had spelt his name using an alias? Just like the name Jose Pujol found in my father’s little black book scratched out and re-placed with the name of “Joe Balado” written underneath it. I wonder how many alias’ can be found in my father’s little black book.
It should also be noted that my father belonged to the following anti-Castro groups below:
Alaph66 Cubanos Unidos Brigade 2506 The Terrente Plan CHIPP MRR After showing Antonio my father’s little black book he recognized one of the numbers who he thought was his cousin’s number in Miami. Could Antonio’s cousin Ruiz aka Reese? Just be another alias name.
Scott Kaiser