Tony Calatayud Sr.: Hello!
Scott Kaiser: Hello Tony!
Tony Calatayud Sr.: (In Spanish) Yes, how are you?
Scott Kaiser: How are you, I’m doing good Tony this is Scott Kaiser
Tony Calatayud Sr.: Fine, fine, Ahhh, Tony Jr. Ahhh, told me that you were going to call me, how are you?
Scott Kaiser: I am doing good brother, I’m doing fantastic, listen I have a friend of mine that is on the line with us, his name is Brett, he’s helping me write a book about my father (in Spanish) your name was in the address book of my father and I was contacting everybody if they could help me with the good and the bad and the ugly things about my father.
Tony Calatayud Sr.: Well he was a nice fellow a very brave one, Ahhh? A gentlemen, a gentlemen and a tough guy. He was a gentlemen and a tough guy at the same time. He had a lot of military capacity, Ahhh? he told he was Ahhh? he was a member, he had been a member of the Foreign Legion in France (laughs) in North Africa. He was a husky guy, very physical, very strong and with a lot of opinions, a lot of opinions, a friendly guy.
Scott Kaiser: Yeah, he wanted to help the Cuban people and he hated Fidel Castro.
Tony Calatayud Sr.: Yes for sure and he Ahhh? Well leave some Ahhh? Some things that are still not available for, for publication, but I can tell you that Ahhh? He was instrumental in to many responsible Ahhh? Para-military activities, Ahhh? Out against Castro government and Ahhh? I met him.
Scott Kaiser: Anything you can tell me that has not been publicized that you could help me with my book? Ahhh? Because I told Tony Jr. that as soon as my book comes out, he’s the first person I’m going to call so he could maybe even help us because we want to do it before the Bay of Pigs 50th anniversary this April.
Tony Calatayud Sr.: What I can do, what I can do in my opinion for the benefit for your book is to send you an email, some kind of a statement, mention about him, how I met him, through whom I met him, my opinion about him as much as I can say about any military activities, military activities we were involved together, Ahmm? Some of his relationship with Frank Sturgis and me too.
Scott Kaiser: I also talked to Masferrer’s nephew and I talked to him on the phone, Ahhh? Properly, maybe two months ago and he wrote me a beautiful email, he told me how Masferrer (in Spanish) You know Rolando Masferrer right?
Tony Calatayud Sr.: What’s his first name?
Scott Kaiser: Rolando, Rolando Masferrer!
Tony Calatayud Sr.: Oh! Oh! Rolando Masferrer, sure, sure, with whom did you talk to?
Scott Kaiser: I was talking to the nephew.
Tony Calatayud Sr.: Oh the nephew OK Ahha.
Scott Kaiser: Yeah, I was talking to the nephew to Rodolfo’s son.
Tony Calatayud Sr.: Rodolfo, OK, OK.
Scott Kaiser: Yeah, I was talking to him on the phone two months ago and he was telling me some good things he also sent me an email, so I’m contacting everybody that I can contact right now out of the phone book that my father had left behind, Mmmm? That were all his friends and people he knew.
Tony Calatayud Sr.: What I’m going to do is to try to find out José Casero’s telephone number, if Ahhh? Because he is a friend of mine and Ahhh? Tony Jr. told me that his name is to be on the list, José Casero?
Scott Kaiser: I have a lot of people!
Tony Calatayud Sr.: Have you contacted, have you contacted José Casero?
Scott Kaiser: No
Tony Calatayud Sr.: José Casero is living now in Miami he was living in Puerto Rico. I did have available his phone number right now but I admit I misplaced it, but I can try to get a hold of him so he can talk to you, and you can talk to him, but Ahhh? for example, Tony Jr. mention the Navarro’s brother’s.
Scott Kaiser: Ahha!
Tony Calatayud Sr.: Oh! They die, the two of them.
Scott Kaiser: Yeah! They died in a car accident. I have a picture of Ah Wilfredo Navarro at my thirteenth Birthday!
Tony Calatayud Sr.: Oh my God! Don’t tell me, well they were nice fellows, nice fellows. What I can do is send you an email or whatever kind of a statement is placing my opinion about your father what I knew about him and his relationship with other people and some ah small ah anecdote. Let me tell you there was a lot of obscures Ahhh? Situation your father when he died, he died supposedly accident.
Scott Kaiser: Yeah! I know it wasn’t no accident.
Tony Calatayud Sr.: He was killed, in my opinion he was killed.
Scott Kaiser: Yeah! I know he was killed, I know.
Brett Karis: Hey can you tell us what your thoughts are on how he died?
Tony Calatayud Sr.: Well they, they, they, ah, ah, ah, as much as I remember at that time they say that he was involved going ah, ah, ah some kind of ah Para-military operation, command operation, whatever he was on the sea and ah there was a mast of a boat that came down and hit him and killed him, but I don’t, I do not believe that. He was killed. I don’t remember the guy, that guy that was involved in the operation with him but it was kind of an obscured and ah suspicious guy as much as I remember.
Scott Kaiser: Do you know who the guy was?
Tony Calatayud Sr.: He was not a tough, he was not a tough guy.
Scott Kaiser: Do you know who he was?
Tony Calatayud Sr.: No I don’t remember, many, many years, but it was a Cuban. It was a very obscure surrounding that guy, I’m talking about an operation, an operation, an actual man that worked with him on the boat, he was the one who say there was an accident, in my opinion he was killed, he was executed.
Brett Karis: Sir, what is your opinion on why he was killed?
Tony Calatayud Sr.: I read on some police record about, there is a report about if they say it was an accident they have to make a report to the police.
Brett Karis: Yes, because even the official report is different then the story you just said so I think that what you just said is properly more of the truth, more actuate, do you know why he was killed? Can you speculate on why you think they murdered him?
Tony Calatayud Sr.: I (pause) do (pause) not (pause) remember exactly, the problem is that he was ah, he was involved in too many things at the same time he was to adventurous, he was playing an adventurous game and that game.
Scott Kaiser: Tony, Tony (in Spanish) “Do you know what my father had”?
Tony Calatayud Sr.: What?
Scott Kaiser: A briefcase, photos of Sturgis, Hunt and Gordon Liddy and I have a document saying all that information.
Brett Karis: Wait, wait, wait, hold on, hold on, wait! You just jumped to the photographs. Where did that come from? Why did you bring that? Scott you brought that up didn’t you?
Scott Kaiser: I brought that up because what Tony was doing to saying that, Tony was saying you know the reason why he may have been killed was because he was very adventurous.
Brett Karis: Yeah he was too adventurous.
Scott Kaiser: He was into a lot of things.
Tony Calatayud Sr.: He know too many things! He knew too many things. Remember he was a very close partner of ahhh, Frank Sturgis and Frank Sturgis even now is in the list of the possible operation relating to the killing of John F. Kennedy.
Brett Karis: Yes! Correct.
Tony Calatayud Sr.: So were talking about a big involvement you know, not that I believe they were involved but ahhh? But it was a cloak and dagger group very mysterious people, very sharp people with their actions, he was a solider of fortune. Frank was a solider of fortune, in the best, in the best way of saying that he was a nice fellow. A very trained guy, you never had any problems with him. I will tell you some anecdote about your father, he told me that one time he was such Mmm, such capable military that if he, if he wanted, if I wanted he would go to my bed one of these nights and just wake me up ahhh? Because he can go inside my house in any moment at any time out of no particular reason. I remember I was a young guy he was a young guy too an I stand up and say, “if you ever go inside my privacy of my house I’ll kill you right there and you father said, I believe you, and I’m your friend.
(everyone is sharing in some laughs as Tony was trying to tell me how capable my father was military to do any job).
I never had any problems with him, he was a tough guy, but a friendly gentlemen. I remember, I remember, I remember now, you used to live in Hialeah. I remember, I remember I saw you once I went to your house, I believe it was your birthday, in my opinion, there was some kind of BBQ. I was there, I was there and I remember your mother.
We closed our conversation with exchanging emails, Tony mentioned that he would get back with me on sending me some information. That day never came. I suppose we hit a nerve with this subject matter and someone close to Tony may have advised him to not be in contact with me any further.