The Howard S. Liebengood papers

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Box36_Liebengood and Edwin Kaiser

Box36_Lieben interview Edwin Kaiser

Box36_Lieben Sturgis, Chajet and Kaiser


Box36 Liebengood interview with Chajet part 2



Ramon Orozco

Ramon Orozco was one of Rip Robertson’s guys back in the early 1960’s and participated in several raids into Cuba with Tony Izquierdo. In 1973, Orozco was charged with violation of an order of non-departure and did a short stint in prison.

He was a member of the Cubanos Unidos, and worked with my father on several operations in sinking Fidel Castro’s fishing boats.

Found in: HSCA Segregated CIA Collection, Box 36
July infiltration attempted thwarted when boats intercepted by Coast guard 5 men aboard boats including Rafael Antonio Paz Tejeiro Raul Abuin Ramon Orozco Crespo Raul Cabrera Vega and Osco G Angulo
RIF#: 1993.07.22.09:36:50:090530   (9/23/1970)   CIA#: 80T013578